Short Course Development


  • Help students and professionals gain knowledge on challenges people with varying disabilities face with accessing and using mainstream wireless technologies and develop skills to support these individuals to make full use of technology advancements.


  • Mainstream wireless technologies are not typically covered in traditional AT courses and training materials.
  • Students and professionals are usually not familiar with the challenges people with disabilities face with mainstream wireless technologies.


  • Develop a short online course Inclusive Smart Technology containing 8-12 modules based on our research and development projects. The course will introduce the basics of wireless technologies such as wireless networks and communication protocols, as well as how a variety of mainstream wireless technologies can be used to support health, independence, and participation of people with disabilities. The modules will cover topics such as challenges people with varying disabilities face with mainstream wireless technologies, funding and policy issues, mobile device/app accessibility, smart home platforms and devices, and smart speakers.
  • Engage students at different levels and from diverse disciplines in research opportunities through sponsoring summer internships, capstone research experience, and thesis projects.


  • An online course Inclusive Smart Technology through the SHSR Propel Portal.
  • Manuscripts, presentations, and posters from student researchers