Mobile Access Assessment


  • Develop a mobile device assessment tool (MoDAT) that can evaluate a person’s capacity for effective and efficient use of a mobile device.


  • Many people with disabilities struggle with using their mobile devices due to motor, cognitive, and sensory impairments.
  • Many users with impairments and practitioners lack awareness, knowledge, and skills on how to customize the mobile devices to address interaction needs.
  • There are no standardized tools that assess a user’s capacity for interacting with a mobile device and provide personalized recommendations for improved experience.


  • Develop a series of tasks for MODAT that enable assessment of common motor and cognitive functions required for mobile device use. Motor function tasks include grasps used to hold the device and navigation gestures such as tap (single or double), long hold, drag, swipe, and pinch. Cognitive function tasks cover attention, executive functioning, and memory.
  • Establish the psychometric properties of MoDAT.
  • Develop a pilot recommendation system that can generate personalized recommendations on device setup and configuration, and AT use.


  • MoDAT and a recommendation system that can help optimize mobile device use in people with disabilities and empower them to take full advantages of modern mobile technology.