Stephanie Vasquez, MS

Stephanie Vasquez serves as the Clinical and Research Coordinator at the University of Pittsburgh, as a Rehabilitation Engineer at UPMC-Center for Assistive Technology and is also part of the International Society of Wheelchair Professionals (ISWP). Stephanie is involved in projects at the international level regarding wheelchair testing and wheelchair standards but also has a clinical role in which she works directly with people with disabilities for the provision of appropriate assistive technology and has worked with children, youth, adults and elderly.

Current Project(s):

Co-Investigator, Smart Home Service Delivery

Fun Tech Fact Questions & Answers: 

Q: Mainstream tech device you can’t live without? Why? 

A: My phone so I can talk and video-call my family.

Q: What was your first cell phone? 

A: I don’t know the model, but it was an indestructible Nokia that I used for about 7 years.

Q: What mainstream tech device is at the top of your wish list? 

A: Mmmmmm, my coffee machine. Every morning is a good day for coffee.

Q: If you were a mainstream tech device, what would you be, and why? 

A: Honestly, I don’t want to be a device. I prefer to be the person who advocates, works with, and for people to disabilities to have equal access to health, education, job opportunities and to be their best version of themselves by being active in their community. No device would be my preference as I believe in appropriate services centered in the person first, and then comes the device.