Meredith Karavolis, OTR/L

  • Research Project Manager

Meredith Karavolis is a research project manager for the Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology. She graduated from Duquesne University with her Master of Science in Occupational Therapy degree in 2017. She has since worked as a clinical occupational therapist for 7 years in skilled nursing, inpatient rehabilitation, and acute care settings before switching to a research-based role. Meredith uses her clinical experience paired with her knowledge of UX design principles to help coordinate several projects focused on using smart technologies to support individuals with disabilities engage in all sorts of daily occupations.

Current Project(s):

Co-Investigator, Inclusive Innovation

Research Project Manager of the RERC

Fun Tech Fact Questions & Answers:

Q: Mainstream tech device you can’t live without? Why? 

A: Easily my iPhone because I use it constantly. I probably use it most for communication with my family and friends, but it's second most common use for me is listening to audiobooks and streaming music.

Q: What was your first cell phone?  

A: It was a Samsung slide keyboard phone. I loved it because it was so much easier to text my friends with a full keyboard.

Q: What mainstream tech device is at the top of your wish list, or, what new tech can you not get enough of?  

A: A kindle. I love physical books, but I think it would be awesome to have your whole library stored on a single kindle you could take anywhere with you.

Q: If you were a mainstream tech device, what would you be, and why? 

A: I hope I would be a smartphone! I feel like smartphones are the golden retriever of all tech devices... they are reliable, versatile, and make everyday tasks so much easier.