Firdaus Indradhirmaya, BS

While in pursuit of his undergraduate degree in computer science from Telkom University, Firdaus got accepted to a 6-month internship program where he was the backend software developer for a company that integrates technology with farmer’s daily activity. He was then offered a full-time position at the company before he graduated. At the same time, he also partook in startup pitching competitions. For a startup he and his friends were building what would help small businesses increase their brand awareness. Now, Firdaus is a PhD student studying health informatics in the Department of Health Information Management at the University of Pittsburgh. 

Current Project(s):

Student Researcher, Mobile Access Assessment

Fun Tech Questions & Answers:

Q: Mainstream tech device you can’t live without? Why?

A: My smartphone, because it is my get away card for most situation.

Q: What was your first cell phone?

A: One of the early Samsung flip phones back in the 2000s.

Q: What mainstream tech device is at the top of your wish list?

A: Oculus Rift.

Q: If you were a mainstream tech device, what would you be, and why?

A: My smartphone, because its camera is blurry, just like my eyesight.