Elena Fader Hurlburt, M.A., CCC-SLP

Elena Fader Hurlburt is the Director of Assistive Technology Services at NEAT, an Oak Hill Center in Hartford, CT.  She leads a prestigious, powerhouse team of Assistive Technology (AT) and Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) Specialists who each contribute unique areas of expertise to the local, national, and global communities. Promoting AT/AAC awareness and guiding advocacy efforts within these communities lie at the heart of Elena’s career, and are evident within the evaluation, consultation, and training services that she oversees. With an M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and an Assistive Technology Certificate from the University of Illinois at Chicago, she is driven by the ways that technology can empower and create opportunities for those with different abilities across the lifespan.

Learn more about NEAT at assistivetechnology.oakhillct.org and connect with Elena via email or Twitter @NEATWithElena.

Fun Tech Fact Questions & Answers:

Q: Mainstream tech device you can’t live without? Why?

A: Definitely my iPhone. Like so many people, I rely on it for connecting socially, staying informed about news, getting from one place to another, accessing entertainment, and so much more!  It really is hard to imagine life before smart phones.

Q: What was your first cell phone?

A: I can’t remember the name of it, but it was a super tiny flip phone. I was so excited about putting a hot pink cover on the front!

Q: What mainstream tech is at the top of your Wishlist?

A: The Roborock Vacuum and Mop is currently at the top of my wishlist. I mean, who wouldn’t want a robot to vacuum and mop their floors then empty the dirty contents?!  For me it would merely be a convenience to have this product, but for many people with physical disabilities it makes independent housekeeping possible and accessible.

Q: What mainstream tech device would you be and why?

A:  A smart plug – simple but impactful!