Adit Shah, MS

Adit is a Software Engineer at the Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology. He has a background in Computer Engineering and a master's in information science from the University of Pittsburgh. His interests extend beyond technology to hiking, cooking, and leveraging technology for societal betterment. He also volunteers at various educational and financial non-profits to help contribute to the cause of literacy. 

Fun Tech Fact Questions & Answers:

Q: Mainstream tech device you can’t live without? Why? 

A: Smart Phone; It helps me stay connected to everything everywhere.

Q: What was your first cell phone?  

A: My first smartphone was the Samsung Galaxy Y, which my parents bought for me to make sure I never got lost in the urban woods.

Q: What mainstream tech device is at the top of your wish list, or, what new tech can you not get enough of?  

A: Though it's not technically a tech device, at the top of my wish list is a proper Tech Desk Setup with all the bells and whistles: a standing desk, a custom-built water-cooled PC, and at least two monitors.

Q: If you were a mainstream tech device, what would you be, and why? 

A: If I were a mainstream tech device, I'd be a smartphone just because of its versatility and ability to connect.